Cable Museum

The First Cable Museum In China

The first global wire and cable professional museum registered by the Civil Affairs Bureau in the domestic wire and cable industry, located in the headquarters building of Shanghai Pudong Wire and Cable Group, is an important palace for protecting and recording the development of China’s cable industry and a popular science education base for all. The museum has an exhibition area of 1200 square meters, The museum permanently collects a number of pictures and materials of past national leaders such as Xijinpin, Dengxiaoping, Jiangzemin, Hujintao etc.

Inspecting the wire and cable industry. and exhibits have been collected on five continents around the world. Over the past five years, it has collected over 500 high-end wire and cable exhibits of various types, including over 120 cultural relic grade cable exhibits.

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 The exhibition in the museum is based on a time axis, involving the development history of wires and cables, classification of wires and cables, production, distribution of enterprises, technological iterations, industry applications, main and auxiliary materials, and other related knowledge.

It systematically demonstrates the origin of wires and cables in the world, from drilling wood for fire in ancient times to the invention of electric lamps, and looks at the rapidly changing development pattern of the global cable industry. It reviews the emergence of Chinese wires and cables from scratch, from small to large From weak to strong, it is an exciting road to growth, carrying forward the spirit of the times,  supporting the backbone of a large country, courageously exploring the international market, and building a bridge for the rise of the East.

From the development of cables to the exhibition of landmark physical cables at all times and in all countries, it embodies the ultimate epitome of the light of human wisdom and civilization; From cable process manufacturing to the application of cables in various industries, it focuses on displaying cutting-edge technology in the forefront of science and technology, predicting the industrial trend of the future development of wires and cables, and depicting the imagination of a better life in the future.

The Shanghai Wire and Cable Museum fully demonstrates cable technology, utilizing the fusion of space art and the soul of national industry, and deeply combines the diversified development pattern of wire and cable with rich and diverse digital media technology to weave a magnificent development picture of national industry. Through digital immersive experience, the museum can enjoy a new chapter of high-quality development of wire and cable industry in the new chapter. After decades of hard work, China’s wire and cable industry has achieved world-renowned achievements, with a complete product system, complete supporting industries, mature research and development system, a substantial talent team, advanced scientific research and testing, and comprehensive strength comparable to the world. It will continue to strive towards standards leading and material revolution.

Production & Inspection

Multiple specifications and strict in-process inspection

Cable Lab

National Torch Program Key Laboratory

Our Team

Professional team provide tailored mix of services

Packing & Delivery

Our various products delivered for projects on a global scale

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